Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney Old Bridge, NJ

Experienced New Jersey Car Crash Lawyer Represents Auto Accident Victims in Middlesex County, Monmouth County, Ocean County, Atlantic County & Essex County, NJ

It seems that when you’re driving along any of the 39,000 miles of New Jersey roads and highways while obeying traffic laws and paying attention, you should be safe. With a couple tons of metal around you, you may feel relatively protected. But it’s a false sense of security. The reality is that no matter how safe you are, you can still be involved in a serious motor vehicle accident and suffer significant physical injuries.

Whether you’re injured by impact with hard objects or an impact that jars a body and causes head, brain, neck, spine, and internal injuries, you may need medical help and financial resources to deal with the expenses and losses you’ll incur in the weeks, months, and years ahead. That’s why it is imperative that you speak with a highly qualified NJ personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

Common Motor Vehicle Accidents on NJ Roads and Highways

Auto accidents that occur on roads and highways in New Jersey may involve different types of vehicles. Here are some of the most common NJ motor vehicle accidents:

On a New Jersey Road, the Chance of a Vehicle Accident Is Shockingly High

The Bureau of Transportation Data and Safety (BTDS) collects on average 320,000 New Jersey police crash reports yearly. With over nine (9) million New Jersey residents, that means the odds of being in a vehicle accident in our state is one in 28. Those are some scary odds.

Old Bridge personal injury attorney Vincent Glorisi has seen firsthand that nearly half of those injured in NJ motor vehicle accidents endure permanent disabilities such as brain damage, paralysis, amputation, orthopedic damage, and other serious destruction that can significantly affect the victim’s life forever. Moreover, when a traffic fatality occurs, not only is the emotional pain overwhelming, but the financial devastation can be devastating as well.

With nearly three (3) million private and commercial vehicles on New Jersey roads, accidents will inevitably happen. The Department of Transportation reported 254 New Jersey fatalities in a recent year and documented 20,969 serious injuries on NJ highways and roads. If you’ve been seriously injured or lost a loved one in a motor vehicle accident because of another driver’s careless or reckless conduct, or due to faulty road conditions, you have a legal right to hold that person, company, or municipality responsible.

Whether the collision involved a passenger car, commercial truck, bus, or motorcycle, a car accident lawsuit can help pay your medical bills; compensate you for lost income and pain and suffering; and cover other related expenses. While you can’t guarantee you’ll never be in a motor vehicle accident, you may have legal recourse for monetary recovery when you are involved in such an accident.

Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents in South Brunswick, New Jersey

The Law Office of Vincent R. Glorisi has fought for our clients’ rights and secured millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts. As an experienced New Jersey car accident attorney, Vincent R. Glorisi is equipped to fight for the rights of those injured in all motor vehicle crash cases, including collisions with commercial trucks or because of automobile product defects, pedestrian accidents, and accidents caused by poor roadway planning and maintenance.

Here are some of the different types of motor vehicle accidents in New Jersey:

Head-on Collisions: When a vehicle crosses a center line or median or attempts to pass a vehicle on a two-lane road, a head-on collision usually causes devastating damages and injuries. The New Jersey Department of Transportation reports that though only two (2) percent of vehicle accidents are head-on collisions, they account for 10 percent of traffic fatalities.

Rear-End Collisions: Because of distracted driving—which is on the increase because of texting while driving, cell phone use (including hands free), and other mobile technology—rear-end collisions are frequent on NJ roads and highways. Though rear-end collisions are often caused by distracted driving, they can also be caused by speeding, following too close, or careless lane changes.

Hit and Run: No matter how the collision is caused, fleeing the scene of an accident when serious bodily injury has occurred is a third degree crime in New Jersey. Besides a possible prison sentence of up to five years, the driver who caused the accident and left the scene can also be held monetarily responsible by the victims.

High-Speed Collisions: When a driver exceeds speeds higher than those posted for safe road conditions, reaction times are shortened and it is difficult to stop in time to avoid hitting other drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists.

Rollover Accidents: When a vehicle rolls over, extreme roof force can impact the heads of the occupants, causing traumatic brain and spinal injuries. Common among SUV, van, bus, and truck drivers, such an accident can cause devastating, life-changing injuries.

Tire Blowouts: A driver or a tire manufacturer can be held monetarily responsible for the damages and injuries caused by tire blowouts, which often result from defective or poorly maintained tires.

When you’ve been seriously injured because of another driver’s negligence, a vehicle manufacturing defect, or poor roadway design, construction, or maintenance, you shouldn’t have to bear the financial burden caused by the auto accident. Vincent R. Glorisi Law Offices has the knowledge and resources to build a successful NJ motor vehicle accident case on your behalf. For example, the NJ Supreme Court has recognized Vincent Glorisi as a certified civil trial attorney.

Over the past 35 years, attorney Vincent R. Glorisi has won verdicts in the millions of dollars for his clients throughout New Jersey. For accident victims who were seriously injured in rear-end collisions, side-impact collisions, commercial truck, motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian accidents, and more, we will work tirelessly to protect your rights and maximize monetary recovery. We are dedicated to protecting your rights and we will fight for your rights until we win a successful monetary verdict in your New Jersey car accident case.

Compensation for Seriously Injured Car Accident Victims in Monroe Township, NJ

The type of compensation you may receive after a New Jersey motor vehicle accident could include coverage for the following financial expenses and losses:

  • Medical treatment
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of life enjoyment
  • Wrongful death

When you have been injured in a New Jersey auto accident, or a loved one was killed, many factors could impact a fair financial settlement. An insurance adjuster’s job is to save their company money, and they are specifically trained to gather information intended to minimize or eliminate payouts to victims. Even when responsibility is proven, an adjuster will likely dismiss the monetary value of pain and suffering, which can be a major factor in a monetary negotiation in NJ car accident claims.

Without the skills an experienced New Jersey car accident attorney brings to an insurance claim settlement or a personal injury civil lawsuit, you may end up with an unfair settlement. When a loved one has been killed, fair compensation that could be in the millions requires the negotiation and litigation skills of an attorney who is experienced in wrongful death lawsuits in Middlesex County, Monmouth County, Union County, Essex County, Atlantic County, and Ocean County, New Jersey.

Contact an Experienced East Brunswick Car Crash Lawyer to Discuss Your Motor Vehicle Accident Injury Case

If you or a loved one has been harmed because of a motor vehicle accident in Plainsboro, East Brunswick, or Old Bridge, NJ, call the Law Office of Vincent R. Glorisi today. When you meet with attorney Vincent Glorisi personally, he’ll provide a free case review and evaluation to help determine whether you can recovery monetary damages because of the accident.

At all times, you will be treated with respect and compassion. Once you hire the Law Office of Vincent R. Glorisi, phone calls will be returned promptly, and you will be consistently updated about the progress of your case. And we work on contingency in NJ auto accident cases, so you won’t pay a penny until we win your case. Call Vincent R. Glorisi at 732.251.3333 for a personal meeting with him to discuss your options. You can also fill out the firm’s online contact form.